What is Storefront Widget?
Storefront Widget is a feature which helps you to analyze seller's storefront by showing you the most essential information.
On the top part of the page, you can see:
Seller (country of registration, total ASIN count, rating, and review count)
Brands (shown max 10 brands, with ASIN counts for each brand. The total number of ASINs also includes ASINs of different variations of the product)
Categories (shown max 10 categories, with ASIN counts for each category, sorted from the highest ASIN count to the lowest)
Next to each product you can see:
restrictions (lock icon)
FBA/FBM sellers who sell product in the new condition. If Amazon sells the product in the new condition you will see it in FBA count.
TOP ranking (%)
estimated sales
BEP (breakeven point)
store price
BuyBox price
Keepa chart image (if Keepa supports this Amazon marketplace)
How to enable and disable the Storefront Widget?
You can switch on/off Storefront Widget in two ways:
You can control the display of the Storefront Widget from the storefront page by moving the toggle (see screenshot below).
You can control the display of the Storefront Widget from the Side panel view.
To do this, go to the settings in the Side panel view:
Move the toggle next to "Storefront view (Widget)"
Note: when a storefront page is loaded for the first time, the toggle is enabled by default, automatically loading the widget. If you disable the toggle, the system remembers this preference and won't load the widget next time