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Seller Assistant in Side Panel

Detailed guidance of Seller Assistant in Side Panel

Anton Kudryashov avatar
Written by Anton Kudryashov
Updated this week

What is it?

Seller Assistant in Side Panel displays the most important information about the product in the Side panel, such as title, brand, ASIN, category and BSR, alerts, number of sellers, BEP (break-even point), estimate sales and FBA calculator.

Note: Side Panel can be used in Chrome and Edge browsers but it's unavailable for Firefox.

The display of Seller Assistant in Side Panel on Amazon search page:

The display of Seller Assistant in Side Panel on supplier's website:

Where to access Seller Assistant in Side Panel?

You can access the Side Panel from the extension itself:

As well as from Quick View widget:

As well as from navigation bar in your Chrome browser, by clicking Seller Assistant icon in navigation bar:

Also you can access Side Panel View by highlighting text and choosing Seller Assistant in context menu on any website:

Side Panel View appears and shows you a match for the product you selected from Amazon inventory.

After this, you can click on the image of any product in the search results and detailed information about the product and a calculator will open to you. You can calculate your profit while on the supplier's website!

What information can I access using Side Panel?

There are still a lot of information available in Side panel view:

  • Title of the product

  • ASIN
    Amazon Standard Identification Number is a unique identifier for an item in the Amazon catalog

  • Brand

  • UPC

  • Size

  • Notification such as hazmat, meltable, fragile, oversize, GB (Generic Brand), adult, sold by Amazon, IP warning

  • Like and Dislike

  • Restriction checker (lock icon)

  • Number of sellers
    FBA/FBM sellers who sell product in the new condition. If Amazon sells the product in the new condition you will see it in FBA count.

  • BSR
    Best Sellers Rank is the ranking of a product in a specific category

  • Category

  • Est. sales

    Potential sales of this product. Calculated by sales rank. May vary from actual sales data

  • BEP (Break-even point)

    This is the cost of the product at which the profit is $0

  • Buy Box Price

  • FBA calculator

  • Offers

  • Variation Viewer

    If the product has variations you can download all variations in one file

  • Supplier`s details

  • COG

    Cost of Goods

  • Save to Google Sheet

    You can add source link, note and safe information in google sheet

  • Profit Calculator

    You can change FBM/FBA

  • Profit Calculator icon (for EU marketplaces)

  • Info icon
    You can view different price options with percentage-based adjustments

  • COG

    Cost of Goods

  • Package Quantity

    The number of product items in package or set. Determined automatically from the product name

  • 3PL

    Costs for third-party logistics outside Amazon

  • Profit

  • ROI
    Return on Investment, %

  • Margin
    The difference between the selling price and cost of goods, showing profitability

  • Total Fees
    The total of all fees for selling this product, including Amazon, storage, and logistics

  • Extension Settings
    You can open Extension Settings in your account

  • ASIN Grabber

To find out more about Seller Assistant on Amazon product pages read here

You can also learn more about ASIN Grabber and Variation Viewer here

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