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Mapping Price List for Analysis
Mapping Price List for Analysis

Detailed instruction for configuring Price List Analyzer table

Anton Kudryashov avatar
Written by Anton Kudryashov
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Configuring Price List for Analysis

Step 1. Go to your Seller Assistant personal account and find Price List Analyzer in the side bar menu


In order to use Price List Analyzer you need to connect your Amazon Seller account

Step 2. Press "UPLOAD" button

You will be directed to the window where you need to:

  • choose the marketplace you are working on

  • upload the file (.xlsx or .xls)

  • create the name or leave a pre-filled one

Step 3. Select a tab

If you upload multi-tab file, start by choosing the tab you want to analyze.

Note, that the price list preview screen displays up to 15 rows of data. If fewer rows are shown, it means the uploaded file or selected sheet contains less than 15 rows. The number displayed matches the actual number of rows in your file.

Step 4. Select a header row

Then, select the row containing the column titles—or any other row you’d like to use as a starting point for analysis (the chosen row will be highlighted).

Step 5. Map the columns

After header row is selected, the system will automatically fill mapping options:

  • Identifier - the column with UPC, EAN or ASIN codes from your file

  • Cost of Good - the column with the price

  • Title - any other column you want to include

Once selected, these column will be highlighted in the preview table

Keep in mind, some columns may not be automatically mapped. Since Identifier and Cost of Goods fields are required to proceed, make sure to carefully review and adjust the pre-selected columns if necessary.


Identifier and Cost of Good fields should have unique columns mapped to them, otherwise, you will be unable to proceed with analysis.

Step 6. Analyze

After you click Analyze Price List, you will be able to see the progress in your Personal account. When the tool finishes processing your file, you will be able to open results clicking the button Open or on the number in column ASINs or download results by pressing the download in the status column.

If you want to delete the results — press red bin, just be aware that if you do so you will lose the results forever.

Example of the initial file

Here’s an example of how your initial file should be formatted before uploading it to Price List Analyzer.


If the identifiers don’t match the expected UPC/EAN/ASIN format, you may encounter issues after processing. Learn more about preventing such errors here.

You might also find article "How to read Price List Analyzer results" useful.

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