When Price List Analyzer finishes the process of analysing, you can download the report with the created leads. The tool prepare a report in the .xlsx format and system will send you a letter that the analysis has been completed.
We also included custom warnings on yellow background to draw your attention.
No FBA Fees
FBA fees are unavailable. The product may be ineligible for FBA or lack sufficient data for fee calculationNo Buy Box Price
The product has no active offers, or the Buy Box is suppressedASIN not found
The ASIN is invalid, doesn’t exist, or has been removed or suppressed by AmazonSet or Bundle
The ASIN represents a bundled or multi-pack itemApproval Required
You need approval to sell this productNo COGs
Price data is missing in the original price listRestricted
You are not eligible to sell this productToo low FBA ROI
The ROI for this product is below the threshold of -300%Too high FBA ROI
The ROI exceeds 200%
Amazon Standard Identification Number is a unique identifier for an item in the Amazon catalog. Link to the product on Amazon is inserted into ASIN
Product image
Name of the product
Brand of the product
Package Quantity
Profit FBA, $
Your profit in the currency of the site. Profit is calculated using the formula:
Profit FBA = Price
- Cost of Goods (COG)
- Sales Tax (if any)
- Referral commission
- VAT (if any)
- FBA Commission
- monthly storage cost
- FBA logistics costs (3PL)ROI FBA, %
Return on Investment,%. The metric that shows the return of investment when selling a product i.e.the percentage of money you get versus the money actually spent. While calculating ROI, only incurred costs are used i.e. Amazon commissions are not counted because they are not paid with "real money", but are withdrawn from an account upon sale. ROI is calculated using the following formula:
ROI FBA = Profit FBA
/ (Cost of goods (COG)
+ Sales Tax (if any)
+ Logistics costs FBA (3PL))
* 100Margin FBA, %
A metric that shows the share of your profit in the selling price. Calculated by the formula:
Margin FBA = Profit FBA / Price * 100
Break Even Price FBA, $
This is the cost of the product at which Profit is $0
COG, $
Cost of goods from initial price list
Cost of Goods incl. VAT
We can display 'yes' or 'no' depending on your extension settings
BB Price, $
Current price of the product in Buy box
Break Even Price FBM, $
This is the cost of the product at which Profit is $0
Profit FBM, $
Profit is calculated using the formula:
Profit FBM = Price
- Cost of Goods (COG)
- Sales Tax (if any)
- Referral commission
- VAT (if any)
- FBM logistics costs (3PL)ROI FBM, %
ROI is calculated using the following formula:
ROI FBM = Profit FBM
/ (Cost of goods (COG)
+ Sales Tax (if any)
+ FBM logistics costs (3PL))
* 100Margin FBM, %
A metric that shows the share of your profit in the selling price. Calculated by the formula:
Margin FBM = Profit FBM / Price * 100
Sales Estimate, pcs/mo
The approximate number of product sales, calculated based on BSR and Category
Sales Estimate, $/mo
The approximate revenue
Best Sellers Rank is the ranking of a product in a specific category
The data from Keepa on the downward BSR change
TOP = (BSR / Number of goods in the category) * 100
Avg BSR 30 days
Avg BSR 90 days
Avg BSR 180 days
Sales Rank Drops 30 days
Sales Rank Drops 90 days
Sales Rank Drops 180 days
Listing Restrictions
Alerts & Flags
Review Count
Avg BB Price 30 days
Avg BB Price 90 days
Avg BB Price 180 days
Price Dynamics, %
Total Offers
Lowest FBA Offer
Min FBA Price
Min FBM Price
FBA Offers Count
FBM Offers Count
Number of FBA sellers
Number of FBM sellers
Avg AMZ BB Share 30 days, %
Avg AMZ BB Share 90 days, %
Avg AMZ BB Share 180 days, %
Apply Sales Tax
We can display 'yes' or 'no' depending on your extension settings
Sales Tax, $
Sales Tax Rate, %
depends on your extension settings
FBA Fees:
Total FBA Fees, $
The total amount of Amazon commissionsReferral fee, $
A fee Amazon charges you every time you sell a productFBA Fee, $
Fees for fulfilment by AmazonInbound Placement Service Fee, $
Depends on your extension settingsStorage fee, $
A fee Amazon charges you for storing your product in the warehouseVariable Closing fee, $
Per item fee that Amazon charges you for selling books, music, video, blu-ray & DVDs
VAT on Fees Rate, %
Depends on your extension settings
VAT on Fees, $
Third Party Logistics FBA:
Third Party Logistics (FBA), $
Total logistics costs (Ship + Prep + Frgl)Inbound Shipping FBA cost (per item + per lbs), $
The amount of shipping costs per item + per lbs (it depends on your extension settings)Shipping costs/item, (FBA), $
Depends on your extension settingsShipping costs/lbs, (FBA), $
Depends on your extension settingsPrepare/Labeling Cost, (FBA), $
Depends on your extension settingsFragile/Bubble Wrapping, (FBA), $
Depends on your extension settings
Third Party Logistics FBM:
Third Party Logistics (FBM), $
Total logistics costs (Ship + Prep + Frgl)Inbound Shipping FBM cost (per item + per lbs), $
The amount of shipping costs per item + per lbs (it depends on your extension settings)Shipping costs/item, (FBM), $
Depends on your extension settingsShipping costs/lbs, (FBM), $
Depends on your extension settingsPrepare/Labeling Cost, (FBM), $
Depends on your extension settingsFragile/Bubble Wrapping, (FBM), $
Depends on your extension settings
Parent ASIN
Variations Qty
Product description:
Part Number
Size Info
Product codes:
product code from initial price list or the code found by the systemEAN
product codes from initial price list or the code found by the systemGTIN
Global Trade Item Number
Product dimensions
height, in
width, in
length, in
weight, lbs
height, cm
width, cm
length, cm
weight, kg
product volume, cu ft
product volume, cu cm
size, in
size, cm
size type
IP Complaints risk
Original File Column N