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Seller Assistant on Amazon Product Pages

Find out more about Seller Assistant extension interface

Anton Kudryashov avatar
Written by Anton Kudryashov
Updated this week

Seller Assistant Appearance

Here we will reveal you in as much detail as possible about the interface and functionality of Seller Assistant. The extension is installed into browser and embedded automatically into the Amazon product page every time you open it.

Top Navigation Panel

The top panel of the application consists of a link Panel (left) and a notification Panel (right)

Let’s go through every menu item one at a time.

Link Panel

  • Search — a drop-down menu with options to search in Google, eBay, or Walmart by first five words from product title.

  • Keepa — a link to quickly jump to Keepa extension. It is active if you have Keepa extension installed.

  • Desc — a link to quickly jump to product description.

  • Offers — a link to quickly jump to a page with current offers from all sellers.

  • TM — a link to jump to for trademarks check-up.

  • HM — a link to an Amazon page for trademarks check-up concerning HazMat (Hazardous Materials).

Notification Panel

  • Hazmat — Dangerous goods (Hazmat) flag. Dangerous goods (also called hazmat) are substances or materials that may pose a risk during storing, handling, or transporting because they contain flammable, pressurized, corrosive, or otherwise harmful substances. To prevent potential health and safety risks, Amazon gathers dangerous goods information related to any products sold on Amazon. Learn more: Dangerous goods identification guide (hazmat)

  • Meltable — Meltable product flag. Meltable refers to heat-sensitive products that are eaten or swallowed, including chocolate, yogurt, gummies, and probiotics. You can read more about this category here: Meltable FBA inventory

  • Fragile — a product fragility flag. Launches automatically in case the words “glass”, “ceramic” are found in the title, bullet, or description. When the flag is on, an additional price increase is applied in the calculator due to the fragile cost setting.

  • GB - Generic Brand flag means that the product is classified as Generic. Sellers are having troubles with adding Generic or Unknown branded products to their Amazon inventory. Amazon displays an error and doesn’t allow to add these products.

  • Oversize — a product has been determined as oversized. Amazon will store it in a specialized warehouse for oversized goods. You should be prepared for goods categorized as oversized to be dispatched to a specialized warehouse. Besides, the cost of storing such goods is usually significantly higher.

  • Adult - a flag that appears if the product has an Amazon Adult Product flag. Such products must be packed in non-transparent packaging.

  • IP Warning — a flag that appears if the Seller Assistant has a record in the database that our users have had complaints related to this product or brand. The database updates automatically daily. Every day, we automatically add open complaints recorded by the Account Health of our users. Hover the mouse over this icon to see more information. See types, and dates of all complaints that sellers have received from this brand.
    This function is also included in a separate free plugin that you can read about via the link: Seller Assistant/ Warning.

  • Amazon — a flag that indicates Amazon as a BuyBox seller.

  • Brand Gate — an icon in the form of a green open or red closed lock, which indicates whether you have restrictions on the sale of this product.

    • Green Lock — no restrictions.

    • Red Lock — the product has restrictions. Guide the mouse on this icon to read the detailed description of the restrictions.

    • Blue Door — Brand Gate function is off as you have not signed in to Seller Central. Sign in for this function to be turned on.

Product Information Panel

General information related to Amazon

  • Parent — shows Parent ASIN of the product. There’s a button for copying Parent ASIN next to it. If you click on Parent ASIN, a drop-down menu appears with a list of all child ASINs and the number of reviews for each of them. The extension takes reviews from the product reviews page. The list of child ASINs may contain an "out of stock" variation, i.e., a variation that is out of stock.

  • ASIN — Amazon Standard Identification Number is a unique identifier for an item in the Amazon catalog. When you click on the ASIN, the product page will reload without using referral links. Next to ASIN, there are buttons for copying the link to the product as well as copying the ASIN.

  • BSR — Best Sellers Rank is the ranking of a product in a specific category. This line displays the current BSR as well as the average BSR for 90 days. Average BSR data are taken from the Keepa service, and in some cases, may not be available. The arrow indicates the dynamics of BSR change.

    • A green arrow pointing down indicates a drop in BSR.

    • A red arrow pointing up indicates an increase in BSR.

  • Drops — The data from Keepa on the downward BSR change. It shows data for 30, 90, and 180 days, respectively.

  • TOP — The data from Keepa on the downward BSR change.

TOP = (BSR / Number of goods in the category) * 100

Also, a link is displayed with the name of the product category. If the product category cannot be determined, then TOP and Category will not be displayed.

  • Sales — The approximate number of product sales, calculated based on BSR and Category.


Sales estimates are not available for Amazon marketplaces that are not supported by the Keepa service.

  • Stock — The amount of goods available for sale.

Product Information and Its Characteristics

  • UPC — The Universal Product Code is a unique identifier for a product. If the product has UPC, then information about it will be shown in this block. Quite often, products on Amazon are associated with several UPCs. In this case, a drop-down menu will be available where you can see a list of such codes. There is a copy button next to each code. Clicking on the UPC shows the search page at The extension receives UPC data from the Keepa service, so that it may be inaccurate or absent.

  • Search — a drop-down menu with options to search in Google, eBay, or Walmart by UPC code.

  • Model — a product model in the Amazon catalog. This information may not be present in the product card.

  • Search — a drop-down menu with options to search in Google, eBay, or Walmart by model name.

  • Size — Product size (Standard and Oversize). You can read more about the sizes on the official Amazon Product size tiers page. On mouse hover, you will see a pop-up window with the dimensions of the item in imperial and metric systems. There is an edit button next to the size (available only on

  • PQ — Package Quantity. The number of product items in its package or set. It is determined automatically by phrases in the product name. It affects the calculation of the cost of eSell Prep Centre services. The drop-down menu provides the ability to adjust this value.

BuyBox Seller Information, Competition, and Potential Sales

  • Seller — a name and link to the storefront of the seller whose offer is in the BuyBox. Besides, there is also a link to the information about the seller and a button to copy the link to the storefront of the seller. If there is an Amazon in the BuyBox, there is no link to the seller's description, and the seller's name itself is written in red.

  • FBA and FBM is the number of FBA and FBM sellers who sell goods in the new condition. There are two numbers in the line.

    • The number on a blue background is the total number of sellers selling the product of new conditions.

    • The number without a blue background is the number of sellers whose offer is no more expensive than the BuyBox price + 5%. This number of sellers is taken as the number of competitors and is used to calculate your potential sales.

  • Est — Potential sales of this product for this model. Calculated using the following formula:

Your sales = Total sales/(Number of competitors + 1)

We can not estimate FBA sales if Amazon is in BuyBox.
We can not estimate FBM sales if either Amazon is in BuyBox or there are FBM sellers.

The line with potential sales in monetary terms is calculated using the formula:

Your profit potential = Your sales * Your profit per unit

The unit profit is taken from the calculator, which is described in the next section.


The extension uses price and commission data from Amazon to calculate product profitability. For calculation flexibility, it is possible to edit price data.

  • Price — Product price. Usually, the extension shows the BuyBox price. If the product does not have BuyBox, then the extension uses the minimum price including delivery

  • COG — Cost of Goods. Here you can enter the cost of the goods from the supplier, excluding shipping and taxes

  • Tax — Sales Tax amount. The drop-down menu allows you to quickly turn on and off the calculation of this tax. The rate for calculating the tax amount is set in the extension settings.

Price dynamics, average and minimum price

The line with the average and the minimum price allows you to quickly use them for the calculation, as well as quickly increase the price by + 2%, + 5%, + 10% from the dropdown menu.

  • Price dynamics — The arrow shows the price dynamics relative to the average BuyBox price for 90 days. If the arrow is green, then the price is rising, if it is red, it is falling. The percentage change in price is shown next to the arrow. Since the data on average prices are taken from Keepa, sometimes the percentage change in price might be absent.

  • BB — BuyBox price. Usually, this component is hidden, but it appears when the price in the Price field changes during the calculation. In this case, the BuyBox price is saved and showed.

  • Avg BB — Average BuyBox price for 90 days. The data are taken from Keepa and may not be available in some cases

  • Min FBM — Minimum FBM price including delivery

  • Min FBA — Minimum FBA price

Profit calculation results

  • Profit — your profit in the currency of the site. Profit can be either positive or negative (loss). For better readability, profit has a green font, and a loss is a red one. In some cases, FBA profits are not displayed. This happens if we do not have data on FBA fees. This usually happens if the dimensions of the product are not known. In this case, you need to register them in the appropriate form.

Profit is calculated using the formulas:

Profit FBA = Price
- Cost of Goods (COG)
- Sales Tax (if any)
- Referral commission
- VAT (if any)
- FBA Commission
- monthly storage cost
- FBA logistics costs (3PL)

Profit FBM = Price
- Cost of Goods (COG)
- Sales Tax (if any)
- Referral commission
- VAT (if any)
- FBM logistics costs (3PL)

  • ROI — Return on Investment,%. The metric that shows the return of investment when selling a product i.e.the percentage of money you get versus the money actually spent. While calculating ROI, only incurred costs are used i.e. Amazon commissions are not counted because they are not paid with "real money", but are withdrawn from an account upon sale. ROI is calculated using the following formulas:

ROI FBA = Profit FBA
/ (Cost of goods (COG)
+ Sales Tax (if any)
+ Logistics costs FBA (3PL))
* 100

ROI FBM = Profit FBM
/ (Cost of goods (COG)
+ Sales Tax (if any)
+ FBM logistics costs (3PL))
* 100

  • Margin — Margin, %. A metric that shows the share of your profit in the selling price. Calculated by the formulas:

Margin FBA = Profit FBA / Price * 100
Margin FBM = Profit FBM / Price * 100

Fees and logistics costs

  • FBA / FBM switch - A switch that changes the display of FBA / FBM costs.

  • Fees — The total amount of Amazon commissions in this column.

  • R15% — Amazon Referral Fee. If VAT is included, it will be displayed here.

  • FBA — FBA Commission. Available if Amazon knows the size of the item and its weight. If not known, then the FBA profit calculation will not be available until the goods’ size and weight are indicated. When manually changing the size and weight of an FBA product, the commission is recalculated by the extension.

  • Sto — The cost of monthly storage of goods in Amazon warehouses. Available for the USA only.

  • 3PL — Third-party logistics. Total logistics costs (Ship + Prep + Frgl). In case of manual change, the data from the column below will not be taken into account.

  • Ship — The cost of shipping the item. Can be configured in the settings separately for FBM and FBA models. Calculated by the formula:

FBA Shipping Costs = Actual Item Weight * FBA Shipping Cost per Pound + FBA Shipping Cost per Piece
FBM Shipping Costs = Actual Item Weight * FBM Shipping Cost per Pound + FBM Shipping Cost per Piece
  • Prep — Costs for preparation, labeling, packaging. Specified in the settings separately for FBM and FBA models.

Bottom panel and save button

  • Side panel view icon - Button to display Seller Assistant in Side panel. The Side panel view available in Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers. Side panel view displays the the main information about the product in Side panel, such as name, ASIN, brand, alerts, number of sellers, BSR and profit calculator.

  • Keepa Chart icon - Button to display Keepa historical chart.

  • Settings icon - Button to open the settings page in your personal account.

  • Source link - A supplier link input field. Available if the source link variable is selected for export in the extension settings.

  • Notes - Field for entering notes.

  • Save - The Save button saves the data to the Google Sheets. Available if Google Sheets is connected and configured.

Price chart and BSR

The chart displaying switch is explained in the previous paragraph.

  • Period —The chart provides a choice of the data display period. You can also select the period manually right on the chart.

  • Upper chart — displays prices for BuyBox, FBA, FBM, Amazon, as well as BSR.

  • Bottom chart — displays the number of sellers and reviews.

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